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18 Feb 1970


Raine Maida, full name Michael Anthony Maida (born February 18, 1970) is a Canadian singer, best known as the front man of the rock band Our Lady Peace. He has stated that he "added Raine to his birth name as a personal statement on his pursuit of the arts"[citation needed]. He has always written all of his band's lyrics and attributes his influences, including Bob Dylan, Leonard Cohen, Allen Ginsberg, William Burroughs and U2's Bono.[citation needed] Maida's voice has been infamously described as a mix between Geoff Tate and Billy Corgan by music critic Robert Christgau.[citation needed] He is married to Chantal Kreviazuk.

Miembro de

Our Lady Peace
desde 1992 Voz principal, Guitarra acustica

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