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31 Jan 1967


Michael John Burkett, more commonly known as Fat Mike, is the lead singer and bassist of the popular punk band NOFX, as well as bass player for Me First and the Gimme Gimmes. As Misfit Mike he played in a band called False Alarm before founding NOFX in 1983 with Erik Sandin and Eric Melvin. In 1990, he founded Fat Wreck Chords, which has become a very successful independent label. He's also the owner of Motor Studios in San Francisco, California. Mike and wife of 14 years Erin have one child, daughter Darla.

The name Fat Mike is a misnomer, as he isn't particularly obese. This nickname emerged when the somewhat thin Mike went away to San Francisco State University and returned having gained a few pounds, making him slightly heavier than the broomstick-thin punk rock crowd. The nickname stuck, even working its way into the name of his label, Fat Wreck Chords, one of the largest and most financially successful punk-affiliated record labels in the United States, mainly run by Fat Mike and his wife Erin. The label was founded in 1990. He regards himself as "Not That Fat".

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since 1983 Electric bass guitar, Keyboard, Lead vocal

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