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1991 / Present


There is more than one artist with this name.

1. Nightfall is a metal band from Greece formed by vocalist/bassist Efthimis Karadimas in 1991. Initially they used to play death/doom metal, but since 95' their style has shifted to gothic/black metal although maintaining death metal elements in some albums. They split up in 2006, but reformed in 2010.

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Efthimis Karadimas
since 1991 Lead vocal
Stathis Kassios
since 2004 Keyboard
Mike Galiatsos
since 1991 till 1999 Guitar
George Aspiotis
since 1992 till 1999 Keyboard, Piano
Evan Hensley
since 2009 Guitar
Jörg Uken
since 2009 Drum set
Bob Katsionis
since 1999 till 2005 Guitar, Keyboard
since 2011 Guitar
Stathis Ridis
since 2011 Bass
Chris Adamou
since 1991 till 1995 Guitar
Costas Savidis
since 1991 till 1995 Drum set
George Kollias
since 2000 till 2005 Drum set
George Bokos
since 2002 till 2005 Guitar
Marc McKnight
since 1999 till 2002 Bass
Phil Anton
since 1998 till 2000 Guitar
Mark Cross
since 1999 till 2000 Drum set
Jim Agelopoulos
since 1996 till 1997 Guitar
Kostas Kyriakopoulos
since 2004 till 2005 Bass

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