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27 Dec 1984


NitrouZ, aka JP Pirrello, is considered to be one of the biggest Hardstyle Talents in Australia. At a young age he was surrounded by music; learning to play the piano and singing in the school choir and other youth choirs. His singing was quite successful, performing at the openings of some of Sydney’s most prestigious events as well as singing on albums.

Dance music had always been a part of his life as his older siblings passed down the music that they so passionately listened to, the music that was heard throughout the clubs at the time. This was also the music that was played at the “all age” events that he attended. When he turned 18 he began to develop his skills as a DJ and became attracted to the pulsing beat of the harder styles of Dance music. Overwhelmed with his passion for dance music JP decided to follow his dream of becoming a DJ and Producer. He built his own recording studio and is now on the path to his dream.

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