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1975 / Present


Rodion G.A. was founded in 1975 by Rodion Ladislau Roșca, Gicu Fărcaș and Adrian Căpraru (the initials G and A standing for Gicu and Adrian), in Cluj, Romania. The band combined post-punk’s aural assault, the melodic and motorik sensibilities of Kosmische, heavy classic rock riffing with prog’s lead line explorations, and spaced-out psychedelic sounds to create a captivating and rapturous sonic brew. This unique blend also throws in traditional Romanian folk elements and Mid Eastern modes and rhythms.

Although everything they recorded for radio sessions went to number one in Romania only two tracks were ever released, on the 1981 compilation album "Formații Rock vol. 5" by the state record company Electerecord. They continued to play live even during the Ceaușescu regime's heavy censorship during the 70s and 80s. After the group disbanded in 1987, Rodion Roșca quit musical life and avoided any public appearence.

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Gicu Fărcaş
since 1975
Adrian Căprar
since 1975 Unknown
Rodion Roşca
since 1975 till 2021

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