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We originated in Salem near Youngstown, OH. Youngstown is a dying city and a certain dull shade of depression is in the air there. It permeates the music creating an atmosphere where grunge, metal, and classic rock like Pink Floyd and Springsteen find an ever-welcoming home. The heart of rock is the blues. Youngstown has the blues. Youngstown taught us to rock. We owe everything to the lessons that area taught us.

But then we went to school at Ohio University. OU was all about partying (and the occasional class and all night study session). We had the opportunity to play such infamous shows like Halloween, PalmerFest, ThreeFest/FourFest, etc. We honed our partying skills and abilities to entertain a crowd. OU really brought out the fun side of us, so much so that it became a part of our music.

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Dustin Bates
since 2006 Lead vocal

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