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2006 September / Present

History Vilk Collective

There are multiple acts under the name GOL.

1) Gol

The GOL ensemble was founded in 1988 in Paris, France, by Jean-Marcel Busson, Frederic Rebotier, Ravi Shardja and Samon Takahashi.

After numerous concerts and a LP issued in 1993 (Gol 01) the band dismantled for a long break of nearly 10 years.

In 2002, the band reformed for occasional recording sessions and seldom live apparitions.

GOL plays more or less flutes, horns, guitars, violin, toys, homemade instruments, tapes, turntables, voices, various percussions, electronics. The music, acoustic oriented but highly electric, is entirely improvised and has the flavour of mid-summer countryside violent immobility. Hard to define, the closest classifications would be "corporate mambo", "hard cool heavy lethal", "psychedelic disco", "electroacoustic flask" and "tropical experimentalism".

2) G.O.L. (or Gods of Leisure)

3) Gol Onlily

4) A Raw Black Metal band from Australia.

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