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15 Jun 1935

Biography François Jeanneau

François Jeanneau is a french saxophonist, born june 15 1935 in Paris

- Studied piano classically and at university (Musicologie teaching diploma

awarded in 1977)

- Was awarded the Django prize by the Académie du Jazz (1980)

- Was the chief of the first ONJ (Orchestre National de Jazz)

- Has had lengthy collaborations with avec J.P. Celea : J. Thollot’s quartet, duos,

groups with Daniel Humair and F. Jeanneau, then with D. Pifarély and F.

Laizeau, created the group “Passagio” (with W. Reisinger, A. Angster, F. Kübler).

- Toured world-wise and recorded (81-83) with John Mc Laughlin’s band.

- Played with Jeanneau’s, E. Louiss’, D. Levallet’s and Anouar Brahem’s


- In 1997, with J.M. Larché he composed the music for an opera based on Anthony

Burgess’ “Mozart Et Amadeus” (libretto by P. Gumplowicz), then formed Wolf

Gang Trio with J.M. Larché and J.L. Matinier (Coutances, Besançon, Rome

Festivals…) as well as an octet for the Orléans Festival 99 (WGT + J. Di Donato

+ a string quartet).

- In 2000 he founded a quartet with Larry Schneider, F. Méchali and F. Laiseau

- Since 1985, he’s been working on various project with D. Pifarély : formed an

acoutic duo (‘Poros’ CD, ECM), played in France and abroard (shows in Japan,

London, Batz, Vienne, Milan, Munich…) he created various projects around this

duo with D. Visse, D. Humair, L. Sclavis, F. Corneloup…

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