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1986 / Present


Love Shop is a Danish pop/rock band with lyrics mainly in Danish formed by Hilmer Hassig (songwriter, guitarist and keyboard player) and Jens Unmack (songwriter, vocalist) in 1986. Hilmer was originally a member of the band Scatterbrain from Copenhagen, while Jens had a past in the band Næste Uges TV from Viborg. The band had officially been on a hiatus since the autumn of 2004 but when Hilmer Hassig was tragically killed in a traffic accident in Copenhagen in November 2008 the band rejoined in late 2009. 5th November 2009 Love Shop started touring after the 5 year break. A year later: "Frelsens Hær" - a new album arrived and Love Shop were now Henrik Hall & Jens Unmack, Mikkel Damgaard, Jens Hellemann, Thomas Risell & Thomas Duus. New tragedy came when another lead figure in the band (1991-2010) Henrik Hall, died of cancer in January 2011 - but the band has not split up.

In 1987 Love Shop recorded a 5 track demo with English lyrics that got the band a record deal with Garden Records (a follow up to the legendary Irmgardz Records, which put out the first two Gangway albums). The same summer, Mikael Dehn, who was a former member of Russia Heat, became a member of the band as background vocalist, and the work began finishing their debut album. From this time Jens began writing the lyrics in Danish. Four of the songs from the demo ended up as songs on the debut album.

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Hilmer Hassig
since 1986 till 2004 Electric guitar
Jens Unmack
since 1986 till 2004 Lead vocal
since 2009 Lead vocal

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