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History The Rest

2003 / Present

History The Rest


"In some fashion we've been a band for a long time. Some might see the longevity of an ensemble our size as luck, or possibly a piece of happenstance, but to us it just feels inevitable. Many of us began playing instruments together. We collected some scattered thoughts of what we thought music might be, and eventually learned how to record those instruments. Truly, we’d have trouble telling you exactly when it started. However, we can easily tell you that we’ve gotten to do lots of exciting, fulfilling things under the The Rest moniker (this book), (these albums), (these videos), (this beer), (this label), (and more) - basically, we’ve been quite busy. It’s a happy balance, but one that rarely feels sure-footed.

Just over five years ago we met Dan Achen, and under his patient (and occasionally impatient) tutelage, we unfolded to accomplish goals that had originally seemed to be mere pipedreams. We lost Dan earlier this year, completely devastating every one of us. However, the more we worked on our new record, SEESAW, the more we realized that Dan's influence would continue to make itself felt for a long time to come – given his impact on the band, it would be impossible for it not to. In the spring we’ll have the new record ready for your ears, but in the meantime we’re excited to keep working, unravelling, resolving, refining, and starting all over again.”

Any And All Inquiries Can Be Made At: [email protected]

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