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United States
1996 / Present


maudlin of the Well is an American progressive rock band from Boston, Massachusetts who formed in 1996 and disbanded in 2003, revived in 2008. Their music contained elements from many different genres including death metal, doom metal, indie rock, and new age. They released three full-length albums before disbanding: 1999's My Fruit PsychoBells... A Seed Combustible and 2001's Bath and Leaving Your Body Map. These last two albums were considered companion albums.

motW had a consistent core membership which consisted of Jason Byron, Greg Massi, and Toby Driver. Throughout motW's career, they saw a sort of "revolving door" of members and session musicians as they were needed. In this regard, it may be more accurate to think of motW as a project rather than a typical band, akin to Chuck Schuldiner's influential death metal project/band, Death.

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Toby Driver
since 1996 till 2003 Lead vocal, Guitar, Bass, Cello, Keyboard, Percussion
since 2008 Guitar, Bass, Cello, Keyboard, Percussion, Lead vocal
Sam Gutterman
since 2001 till 2003 Drum set, Percussion, Guitar, Lead vocal
since 2008 Lead vocal, Drum set, Percussion, Guitar
Greg Massi
since 1996 till 2003 Lead vocal, Guitar
since 2008 Lead vocal, Guitar
Terran Olson
since 2001 till 2003 Percussion, Lead vocal, Keyboard, lib/muslib/membership_type_23, lib/muslib/membership_type_27
since 2008 lib/muslib/membership_type_27, Percussion, Lead vocal, Keyboard, lib/muslib/membership_type_23
Josh Seipp-Williams
since 1996 till 2003 Guitar
since 2008 Guitar
Jason Byron
since 1996 till 2003 Keyboard, Percussion, Lead vocal
Mia Matsumiya
since 2008 Violin
David Bodie
since 2008 Drum set
Maria-Stella Fountoulakis
since 1996 till 2003 Lead vocal
Jason Bitner
since 1996 till 2003 lib/muslib/membership_type_47
since 1996 till 1999 Drum set
Nick Kyte
since 2001 till 2003 Bass

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