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1998 / Present


Headmeat (translated in our Flemish dialect Uufflacke) is a delicious recipe made from boiled pigheads which tastes really well with mustard. It's also the bandname of six wacko fuckers from Belgium.

Autumn 1998, Headmeat arose out of the ashes of black metalbands Faustian Moon, When Autumn Ended and Morto Perpet. Koen and Stoffel played guitars and Pui did drums. In summer 1999 Toats stopped playing in black metal band Faustian Moon and was looking for a death metal band. He took over the drums and Pui began to play bass. Miraculously Headmeat began to play faster and more technically or maybe it was just because Toats is a much better drummer than Pui. Nuyt, who also played in Faustian Moon, took the mic at a rehearsal and since then never left. Things were going fine and a couple of new songs were written. In summer 2000 Stoffel quitted. Now there was place for another guitarist. Because Pui sucked as a bassplayer he took over the guitars, like he also did in grindband Anal Torture (now Leng t'che), and Rys (ex Morto Perpet) came in on bass. In February 2001 the first demo was recorded, called Homicidal Intent. The 200 copies were sold out in three months getting orders from Belgium, Germany, Holland and France.

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