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Los Bunkers concerts

Los Bunkers upcoming concerts

Jul 2024

Information about Los Bunkers

Currently the group Los Bunkers on tour with concerts. You can get acquainted with the upcoming performances of the group, buy tickets, find out the addresses of concert venues and other information on our website..

Los Bunkers is an alternative rock/folk rock band, from Concepción, Chile, formed in 1999 by brothers Álvaro and Gonzalo López, Mauricio Basualto, and brothers Francisco and Mauricio Durán.

They are well known in their country for their contemporary sounds of rock, based on sounds of the 60s, from bands like The Beatles, and also including sounds from their folk roots.

United initially by their common love for The Beatles, Los Bunkers have shown over the years a growing interest in the composition of Chilean folk roots, especially those working during the decade of the 60s the movement of the New Chilean Song. Between these two related and creative filter verses revelation valuable emotional debate his music, a rock of the past but undeniable bond developed with rigor and freshness, plus an exceptional flexibility that has allowed them to maintain a healthy pace of edits.

Since the middle of 2000s, it is the most active Chilean rock group in Mexico.

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Information about tickets

Information about tickets to Los Bunkers concerts

MusicHearts does not sell Los Bunkers concert tickets, we show which official ticket operator has them available with the option to purchase. We act as an aggregator, choosing and showing the best deals.
We recommend buying an electronic ticket (e-ticket). It can be purchased and paid directly on the operator's website, printed out and brought to the concert with a printout (don't forget your passport). So visiting the Los Bunkers concert will be as comfortable as possible.