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История Leitbur

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История Leitbur

Leitbur ("light-brr") is Jaron Widman and Samantha Krzyston.

Jaron Widman began idolizing nostalgic new wave rock, analogue synths, and flights of 80s fantasy at an early age. Growing up in half a dozen western states, the influences on his life were many — the suburban desert, Alaskan summers, 8- and 16-bit escapism, fishing in the high Rockies, VHS tapes, cyberpunk, and big, open spaces, to name a few. After discovering electronic music as a kid and indie rock later in the 2000s, he began experimenting with digital music production, later adding vocals using the microphone on his digital camcorder. His love for cinema and storytelling pushed him into filmmaking as well, which gained him entry into the production track at University of Southern California’s prestigious School of Cinematic Arts. After graduating magna cum laude, he began a career in post-production, creating art, motion graphics and animation for networks like HBO and ABC.

In 2007, however, after building a small recording studio in his Los Angeles apartment, Widman created Leitbur, (“light-brr”) and began releasing more refined work. Leitbur was, at first, a produced-by-mail electronic rock project with his brother, Jonathan, but it later evolved into a solo electropop venture that combines all of his influences — new wave, indie rock, shoegaze, trance, big beat techno, trip-hop, and 80s/90s pop. While working his day job, Widman spent his twilight hours writing, recording, producing, mixing and mastering a self-titled EP, a series of covers and singles, and a full-length LP in 2010. In 2012, he began collaborating with his girlfriend, Chicago-to-LA transplant Samantha Krzyston, and recorded Think of Tomorrow, an EP being released this summer.

A few of Leitbur’s favorite albums: Mezzanine by Massive Attack, Give Up by The Postal Service, Merriweather Post Pavilion by Animal Collective, The Fat of the Land by The Prodigy, Melody A.M. by Röyksopp, Saturdays = Youth and Hurry Up, We're Dreaming by M83, Endtroducing… by DJ Shadow, Songs from the Big Chair by Tears for Fears, Let’s Dance by David Bowie, and Violator by Depeche Mode.

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