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1998 / Настоящее время


RanestRane is an Italian prog band from Rome that was formed in 1998 with the aim to compose and perform a rock-opera. Unlike other famous rock operas, where the movie is based on the story conceived by the musicians, RanestRane choosed the gothic masterpiece of W. Herzog “Nosferatu The Vampyre”, and composed a whole new soundtrack with the songs telling the story to the public. They started their live activity in 2000, performing a show called “cineconcerto”, with the images of the Herzog’s film flowing in the background. The show has been introduced by Premiata Forneria Marconi in a live club in Milan, and has been performed during the International Rome Film Festival.



Riccardo Romano
Пианино, Бэк вокал, Клавишные, Синтезатор, lib/muslib/membership_type_178
Daniele Pomo
Ударные, Ведущий вокал
Maurizio Meo
Бас, Контрабас
Massimo Pomo
lib/muslib/membership_type_77, Электро-гитара, Акустическая гитара

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