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Starting as a rockabilly cover band in 1982 the Krewmen slowly evolved into one of the most influential psychobilly bands ever. What made the Krewmen different from other bands at that time was that they played incredibly fast, and the unique voice of singer Mark Cole. This resulted in 3 their first 3 albums. After these albums Cole left the band and Tony McMillian took over on vocals. The sound changed somewhat. The band started also to experiment more in the recording studio. Sounds were added and samples were used on their later albums.

Unfortunate I've never seen this band live. This is partly because they don't play that much anymore. Another reason is that a lot of promotors of psychobilly concerts simply put the Krewmen on the list without having a contract with them in the hope that more people will come to their concert.

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Mark Cole
Tony McMillan

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