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United States
2005 / Present


Cough was conceived in the fertile metal underground of Richmond, VA, USA, circa 2005. The newly-formed band sought to be the heaviest band ever from Richmond, and took inspiration from doom metal bands (Black Sabbath, Cathedral, Pentagram, Sleep, Electric Wizard, Goatsnake, etc.), grimy sludge (Grief, Eyehategod, Cavity) and early black metal (Bathory).

The band self-released an EP, The Kingdom, in 2007, and followed it quickly with their first proper full-length, Sigillum Luciferi, in 2008. Recorded with acclaimed producer Sanford Parker (Minsk, Rwake, Pelican, Nachtmystium), Sigillum Luciferi is an ugly, agonizing set of misanthropy set to music. Slight bits of psychedelia had wormed into the massive riffs and woven throughout the bands inhuman screams, making this one of the most promising pieces of doom metal to emerge from North America in quite some time.

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