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History A.M.

2002 / Present

History A.M.

There are several A.M.

1) One of them is mistagged Antony Milton's solo project - the correct name is A.M - withount the last dot.

2) A trance collaboration between Ashkan Fardost & Michael Wiklund.

3) A.M. is a punk rock band from Orange County, Los Angeles on Papermade Records. They also go by Alma Mater.

4) AM is a Finnish sludge/doom metal outfit formed in 2002. The lineup consists of Mikko Aspa (Clandestine Blaze, Fleshpress, Morbid Savouring, Stabat Mater, Deathspell Omega, D.O.M. (Fin), Creamface, Noise Waste, Grunt, Clinic of Torture, Alchemy of the 20th Century, Nicole 12, Nihilist Commando, Pain Nail) and Jukka Matila (Stumm).

5) "A great composer does not imitate; he steals."

- Igor Stravinsky

The above quote, found in the liner notes to A.M.'s debut album, "This Is Me, Dancing", summarizes the artist's approach to sample-based music; it is the art of uniting what are seemingly incompatible styles of music to create something truly new.

The songs on "This Is Me, Dancing" combine live instruments (played by A.M. and several collaborators) with samples from a wide variety of sources to create new and irresistably catchy music guaranteed to leave a smile on your face. Each song evokes a different atmosphere or emotion, while leaving enough space for the listener's own interpretation. Inspired by the many styles of music he samples...from classical to jazz to funk to broadway musicals...A.M. has created a musical collage that can entertain the casual listener while providing enough substance to intrigue those with a keen ear for musical form.

A.M. began as the electronic side project of Andrew Moore, guitarist/vocalist of the now-defunct independent Toronto band Oberlin. A 4th grade teacher with a background in both piano and voice, this album has been in the works for over four years, and is perhaps the most personal of Moore's musical projects.

If you are a fan of Lemon Jelly, Groove Armada, DJ Shadow, Mr. Scruff, or other electronic/hip hop/ambient instrumental artists, A.M. will give you something to think about, and more importantly, something to dance about.

6) A.M. is the stage name of 'Aviera Mena, a Luxembourgeois experimental artist who loves to do things for the craïc.

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