dev stack:
English Español Русский
United Kingdom
2007 / Present

History White Medal

UK Black Metal from George "Mutant Ape" Proctor.

Tha's heard't howl ut wolf

Down't Agbrigg way

Tha knows t'beast in't wood theer

An up on't moor, she roams theer an all

Shut thus flep an she'll not hear thee

Step'd on't branch, th wolf step'd o'er mardy

Tha's stark legs move ar'a pace

But tha's too lame t'beat her

Alone an thee hear't wolf cry;


Threap an she'll bite thee no mistake

Thoil thus burden an break fert wood

Through unkerd wood an moor-fog

Laiking bairn in't wood an thus blood curdles

She's on't way tha shout but he's gut torn

Yer off before his heart stops, beast in'tow

Dassent breathe in nor out and hide by't rock

Then that old howl and tha drops down dead

Alone again, tha'll hear't wolf cry,


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