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United States
04 Dec 1973


Mina Caputo (born Keith Caputo) is a singer/songwriter from Brooklyn, NY, best known as the lead singer of the alternative metal band Life of Agony. Caputo is also a well established solo artist, especially in Europe. She has toured with numerous well-known bands such as Coldplay and Travis.

As of 2015, Caputo has released four full length albums, namely Died Laughing (2000), Hearts Blood On Your Dawn (2006), A Fondness For Hometown Scars (2008) and As Much Truth As One Can Bear (2013). Other releases include Died Laughing Pure (2001), Perfect Little Monsters (2002) and Live Monsters (2004).

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Life of Agony
since 1989 till 1997 Lead vocal
since 2002 till 2012 Lead vocal
since 2014 Lead vocal

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