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1989 / Настоящее время


French alternative metal band Lofofora formed in 1989, ranking among France's most politically engaged outfits, with their blend of punk, alternative, and rap-metal and witty, concerned lyrics quite comparable to the work of Rage Against the Machine. Their album discography reached half a dozen titles by the late 2000s, at which time Lofofora encountered trouble with their fan base regarding the very existence of their MySpace page, which some fans deemed to be in complete opposition to the band's D.I.Y. punk ethics. The band's earlier position vis-à-vis the digital music market had previously garnered additional controversy, but Lofofora subsequently remained active despite such issues.



Reuno Wangermez
с 1989 Ведущий вокал
Phil Curty
с 1989 Бас-гитара
Daniel Descieux
с 2001 Гитара
Vincent Hernault
с 2009 Ударные
Edgar Mireux
с 1992 до 2002 Ударная установка
Kevin Foley
с 2017 Ударные
Pierre Belleville
с 2002 до 2009 Ударные
Erik Rossignol
с 1989 до 1992 Ударные
Farid Tadjene
с 1995 до 2001 Гитара
Pascal Lalaurie
с 1990 до 1994 Гитара
Karl Shneider
с 1989 до 1989 Гитара

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